Bernt and Bjarne's Champagne Blog

This blog is dedicated to the great taste and enjoyment of the sparkling bubbling wine called Champagne! ...and what might happen after enjoying these adventure bubbles!

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Location: Lillestrøm, Norway

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sabring Champagne with an axe

Jorgen and mykle is trying out a new way of opening a bottle of Champagne at the Bay of Spoons Festivale.

Sabring Champagne with gardening tool

mykle forgot his sabre an uses a gardening tool to open a bottle of magnum goddie! All at the Bay of Spoons Festivale!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Stacked for the weekend!

Se større

Saturday, October 08, 2005

How to make Champagne of cheap white wine!

This is alchemy! Finally it's done!

The waiting time is over! The excitement has reached the top. The expectations has been releaved. Our unique experiment "our baby" has been carried out. Do watch this, you will get great ideas of what to do or not to do :-)

Bernt and Bjarne have made Champagne of cheap white wine using a SodaSteamer! Se the step-by-step video of the experiment: click here to see the video (for download right-click and save). High-quality version can be obtained on contact!

Friday, October 07, 2005

SuperCams honor!

Bernt sabres a bottle of Champagne for his great friend Camilla whos today made her first jump from 18 000 feet (with shute that is !). Congratulations!
See the klipp here!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sabre Champagne

Bernt and Bjarne is giving the old tradition of sabring Champagne a try after Bjarne has gotten a Diploma in the art at Mauritius this summer!
To learn how its done - download this video clip !

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Alchemist !

Making gold! Oh yeah! The great idea of making Champagne of cheap white wine was born under a great Champagne firenzee in Sponvika summer of 2005!
Will it work ? Well you'll find out on this blog during the days to come!
Boosting wine in a SodaStreamer will probably not make the main headlines among great wine tasters - but god! what a great exeperiment!
Soon to come!

Champagne working session

Office space! Love it! Bernt and Bjarne taking home office in the summertime to new heights!
Here we are doing a days work on the porch with laptops and Champagne in the burning sun!

Pancakes and Champagne!

Simen orders pancakes and Champange at a sophisticated fish restaurant in the swedish coast town of Stromstad. Great evening. Bjarne ordered a bottle of Vodka to fulfill the evening! Great idea!
Jorgen had to take it easy after he had smashed his head a couple of days before the event!

Champagne breakfast at Sponvika

Simen, Jorgen, Bernt and Bjarne is starting this great summer day at Jorgens cottage with some Champagne for breakfast. Later this night we discovered the art of making gold. Making wine to champagne using a Sodastream machine! This will be demostrated later this summer on this blog!

The Champagne blog is open for bubbling new posts!

Bernt and Bjarne is enjoying a nice bottle of Bollinger on Bjarnes porch last summer !